Another Day Another Dollar Picture this; you’ve recently gotten a new job at a local fast food restaurant, you wake up and get ready to go to work, and you get there, clock in for your shift, and get to work like you’ve done every other day. Except today isn’t like every other day… BOOM! […]
'Workers Compensation' Category Archives
Orlando Resort Construction Accident Kills 2
In the United States, there are men and women who work hard every day to support themselves and their families. These men and women work long hours under dangerous working conditions in order to make a decent living. When people are working under unsafe working conditions, they are at risk of being severely injured or […]
How Do Heavy Rains Lead To Work Injuries?
Here in Pennsylvania we have had some of the heaviest rains in recent memory. Flooding and damage due to these rains have been widespread across the state and it seems to be getting worse and worse as the late summer progresses. Most people do not consider heavy rains to be much of a health concern, […]
5th Annual National Safety Stand-Down Construction Fall Prevention Campaign
Falls from an elevated position continue to the leading cause of death for construction employees. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, around 37% (370 out of 991) of construction fatalities recorded in 2016 were caused by a fall. The overarching goal of the National Safety Stand-Down campaign is to raise fall hazard awareness across […]
National Work Zone Awareness Week Starts April 9th
National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is a campaign held every year in the spring at the beginning of construction season to bring national attention to motorist and worker safety issues and encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The key message is for drivers to use extra caution in work zones. The campaign is […]